Think Big - Unleashing Your Potential For Excellence



Title Page



Part 1

Giving Their Best and Thinking Big

1. Do It Better!

2. My Mother, Sonya Carson

3. Mentors, Inspirers, and Influencers

4. Medical Mentors

5. Other Significant People

6. Builders for Eternity

7. Parents and Patients

8. Taking Risks

9. Not Enough

Part 2

You Can Give Your Best and Think Big

10. Thinking Big

11. Honesty Shows

12. Insightful Thoughts 

13. Nice Guys Finish

14. Knowledge Counts

15. Books Are for Reading

16. In-depth Learning

17. Caution: God at Work

18. Reaching for Success 


The renown that riches or beauty confer is fleeting and frail;mental excellence is a splendid and lasting possession.Sallust (86 – 34 B.C.)

This is a book about giving our best and especially about doing whatever we can to help others — about Thinking Big — one of the important concepts of my life. It might also be called a book about excellence. Or about dedication.

It is also a book about people who give their best and who Think Big.

I chose this theme because our society tends to focus on super-entertainers,sports figures, politicians, or the highly publicized individuals who do outstanding work and get recognized for their achievements. I am all for achievement, and just as much in favor of recognition. But what about those who give their best but never receive recognition? Or financial reward? Or honor? Or fame?

My life has been a rich one, having been blessed by God in many ways. My first book, Gifted Hands* has brought me much recognition and has focused the spotlight on me. Consequently, many people have expressed appreciation for what I have been trying to do.

High school students have written to tell me that the book has challenged them and changed their lives; dedicated teachers have given out copies to all their students; a number of congregations bought copies of Gifted Hands to give to students; I know of at least two businessmen who each bought more than a thousand copies to distribute. And I am grateful.I am pleased to know that my story has encouraged many and thankful for every word of appreciation, but I also want to point out one of the great truths of life: I did not do it alone. I had help along the way.

Competent, committed individuals gave me their best without reservation.

Often I receive the recognition, but now I want to pause long enough to shine the spotlight on them, if only for a moment. They deserve it.

Without repeating most of the experiences detailed in Gifted Hands, I want to acknowledge the significant individuals who helped Ben Carson climb from the academic bottom of his fifth grade class to become, at age thirty-three, head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. One of the youngest persons ever to have such a position, I am the only black person to have such a position at a world-renowned institution. God endowed me with ability, but I would never have been cognizant of those gifts, or used them if others had not takentime to share their talents by giving their best to me.

I hope that now you will walk another step further with me. I want to take you through my life again and tell you about those special, rare, and gifted people

who have made my achievements possible. And who did it often without realizing it, simply by giving their best.

* Gifted Hands by Ben Carson with Cecil Murphey (co-published by Review &  Herald, Hagerstown, MD, and Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI) 1990. 



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