The Oil Pulling Miracle - Detoxify Simply and Effectively


Cover Image

Title Page

Chapter 1: The Long Tradition of Oil Pulling

Ayurveda—the Mother of Medicine and Oil Pulling

The Five Elements and the Three Types

The Five Treatments for Maintaining Health

Gandusha—the Ayurvedic Practice of Oil Pulling

Oil Swishing for Health

Chapter 2: Oil Pulling for Body, Mind, and Spirit

Regular Cleansing Boosts Our Health

The Body’s Cleaning Crews

The Body’s Trash Dump

The Adverse Effects of Old Waste Deposits

Healthy on All Levels

The Oral Mucosae

How Oil Pulls Harmful Substances from the Body

The Connection between the Body and the Teeth

Defusing the “Time Bombs” in Our Mouths

An Essential Component of Holistic Healing

Oil Pulling Is Not a Panacea 

Should I Pull Oil?

A Health Issues Checklist

Chapter 3: Five Minutes a Day for Your Well-Being

Once Daily—Your Cure

When Should I Pull Oil?

To Begin

Pull and Swish Vigorously

Do Not Swallow

Out with the Bad

How Long before I See Results?

Your Tongue and Your Health

You Might Feel Worse at First

The Various Kinds of Oils

Health by the Spoonful

Use Only Cold-Pressed Oils

Canola Oil

Coconut Oil

Flaxseed Oil

Olive Oil

Peanut Oil

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Safflower Oil

Sesame Oil

Sunflower Oil

Wheat Germ Oil

Chapter 4: Complementary Detoxification Techniques  

The Importance of Good Dietary Habits

The Acid-Alkaline Balance

Foods That Detoxify 

Give Your Body a Time-Out

Detoxify with Delight

Your Seven-Day Detoxification Plan

Other Ways to Detoxify Naturally

Medicinal Plants

Spring Tonics for Purification

Homeopathic Medicine

Schüssler Salts


Colon Cleansing



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About Inner Traditions • Bear & Company

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