The Confident Woman Devotional - Joyce Meyer


Table of Contents

Front Cover Image



January 1: Jesus Came

January 2: Had Enough?

January 3: Take the Step

January 4: It’s Your Time

January 5: Whose Approval?

January 6: Take Responsibility

January 7: Through Disappointments

January 8: Faith to Do It

January 9: God Can Fix It

January 10: Our Vindicator

January 11: God’s Approval

January 12: Secure in Christ

January 13: Freedom to Be Ourselves

January 14: What Is Confidence?

January 15: Break the Mediocre Mold

January 16: Think Positively

January 17: Be Yourself

January 18: A Big, Rewarding Life

January 19: Christ Is Our Confidence 

January 20: God Is Our Leader

January 21: The Simplicity of Faith

January 22: God Is for Us

January 23: Give God Everything

January 24: The New and Living Way

January 25: Experience True Joy

January 26: Safe in Christ

January 27: Extraordinary Things

January 28: When You Feel Afraid

January 29: Begin Again

January 30: Living Large

January 31: Confidence Is Contagious

February 1: Get Moving

February 2: In the “Deep End”

February 3: Over the Walls

February 4: Launch Out

February 5: Fail Forward

February 6: Doors Will Open

February 7: Seeing the Invisible One

February 8: Created by God

February 9: In the Beginning

February 10: Both Men and Women

February 11: Time for a Change

February 12: Enmity

February 13: When Mistreatment Comes

February 14: Healing in His Wings

February 15: Oneness in Christ 

February 16: The Real Culprit

February 17: Love and Respect

February 18: Take Your Rightful Place

February 19: A God-Ordained Destiny

February 20: The “S” Word

February 21: According to Your Gift

February 22: A Spokesperson for God

February 23: “Go and Tell”

February 24: Serving Him

February 25: Power from on High

February 26: Times and Places

February 27: Exercising Authority

February 28: God’s Calling

March 1: Circle of Friends

March 2: Destined by Love

March 3: The Foundation of Love

March 4: Believe and Receive

March 5: Refuse to Live in Fear

March 6: Do It Afraid

March 7: Fear Not

March 8: Be Positive

March 9: Believe Something Good

March 10: Whose Perspective Is It?

March 11: Never Stop Trying

March 12: Find Your Perfect Fit

March 13: New Beginnings

March 14: Avoid Comparisons 

March 15: God’s Creation

March 16: Good Enough?

March 17: Accepting Weaknesses

March 18: Walking with a Limp

March 19: Start Enjoying You

March 20: Boldness or Pride?

March 21: Get a Life!

March 22: Shining Splendor

March 23: God Honors Faith

March 24: Higher Things

March 25: Give What You Have

March 26: See Possibilities

March 27: Run to God’s Word

March 28: A Virtuous Woman

March 29: Be Trustworthy

March 30: Be an Encourager

March 31: Go the Extra Mile

April 1: Work Your Plan

April 2: Consider Your Life

April 3: Don’t Be Hasty

April 4: Expand Prudently

April 5: Just Do It!

April 6: Look to the Reward

April 7: Be a Giver

April 8: You Have Something

April 9: Invest in Yourself

April 10: Pure and Fine 

April 11: The Power of the Blood

April 12: Bless Others

April 13: Be Prepared

April 14: Be Kind

April 15: Be Responsible

April 16: Be Blessed

April 17: Be Free

April 18: Beyond Our Feelings

April 19: Walk in Peace

April 20: Trust God, Trust Yourself

April 21: Be a Risk Taker

April 22: Gain Confidence

April 23: Learn from Mistakes

April 24: Expect Good Things

April 25: A Life Worth Living

April 26: Answer with Faith

April 27: God Gives the Victory

April 28: Go Forward in Faith

April 29: Train Yourself

April 30: Live in God’s Favor

May 1: Enjoy God’s Best

May 2: Believe in Your Value

May 3: Be Prepared

May 4: Be Patient

May 5: God Always Provides

May 6: Be Trainable

May 7: Be Humble 

May 8: Don’t Wing It

May 9: At the Right Time

May 10: Keep Learning

May 11: Don’t Be Boxed In

May 12: Small Things

May 13: God’s Gifts

May 14: Know Your Weaknesses

May 15: Know Your Strengths

May 16: Brag about God

May 17: Pray First

May 18: Get Help

May 19: Be a Lifetime Learner

May 20: Say “Yes!”

May 21: Expect a Battle

May 22: Know Your Heart

May 23: Step Out

May 24: The Fear of Man

May 25: Press On

May 26: Be Unstoppable

May 27: It’s Not about Age

May 28: Be Extraordinary

May 29: Not the Weaker Sex

May 30: True Strength

May 31: The Heart of a King

June 1: Get Understanding

June 2: Stop Competing

June 3: What’s the Difference? 

June 4: Deal with It

June 5: Revise Your Expectations

June 6: Being Dependent

June 7: Unbalanced Dependence

June 8: Balanced Independence

June 9: Do What God Expects

June 10: Guard Your Reactions

June 11: When Criticism Comes

June 12: Don’t Take In Criticism

June 13: Keep Life Interesting

June 14: Shake It Up

June 15: Know What You Believe

June 16: Don’t Fake It

June 17: Stop Pretending

June 18: Learn to Say No

June 19: Open the Way

June 20: Take Care of Yourself

June 21: Keep Your Peace

June 22: Avoid Burnout

June 23: Time for Renewal

June 24: Healthy Relationships

June 25: Divine Connections

June 26: Confrontation

June 27: Break the Cycle

June 28: Give Space and Freedom

June 29: Nurture

June 30: Venture off the Path 

July 1: Like a Child

July 2: Freedom of a Child

July 3: Don’t Stagnate

July 4: Cracked Pots

July 5: God and God Alone

July 6: In Times of Change

July 7: Stand with God

July 8: Give Fear No Place

July 9: Take Action

July 10: Confronting Fear

July 11: Master It

July 12: Still Running?

July 13: Light Up the Darkness

July 14: Giants Fall

July 15: With God’s Help

July 16: Steps of Faith

July 17: New Beginnings

July 18: Facing Others

July 19: Covered with Armor

July 20: First Steps

July 21: No Immunity

July 22: You Are Not Alone

July 23: Worry Is a Waste

July 24: Pray about Everything

July 25: Let God Be God

July 26: Strength for Today

July 27: God Has the Answers 

July 28: In His Hands

July 29: Let Go of the Past

July 30: Free from the Past

July 31: Love Much

August 1: Transformation

August 2: Receive God’s Blessing

August 3: God Forgets

August 4: Joy Stealers

August 5: Confidently Take Action

August 6: Hold on to Your Dreams

August 7: Deal with the Little Things

August 8: Up with Joy

August 9: Do It Joyfully

August 10: Anointed

August 11: Exercise Self-Control

August 12: God Will Fight for You

August 13: God Has the Answer

August 14: Supernatural Rest

August 15: Knowledge and Confidence

August 16: Know What You’re Facing

August 17: Light the Shadows

August 18: The Power of Knowledge

August 19: Pray about It

August 20: Get Revelation

August 21: Stepping into the Unknown

August 22: God Holds the Future

August 23: God Enables 

August 24: Stress Relief

August 25: Hold the Line

August 26: Being Spirit Led

August 27: Faith Energizes

August 28: Your Heart Desires

August 29: Why Wait?

August 30: Develop Your Potential

August 31: Empowered through Christ

September 1: Be Excellent

September 2: In Due Season

September 3: Make a Difference

September 4: Shine

September 5: Move It!

September 6: Created to Work

September 7: Do What You Can

September 8: Change Ingredients

September 9: Make the Change

September 10: Brighter and Clearer

September 11: Seek Wisdom

September 12: God’s Timing

September 13: God-Confidence

September 14: Boast in the Lord

September 15: Put on Humility

September 16: Divine Protection

September 17: Humble and Bold

September 18: God’s Guarantee

September 19: No Excuses 

September 20: Whatever You Face

September 21: Choose Boldness

September 22: Opposition Will Come

September 23: Eyes on the Prize

September 24: Be Tenacious

September 25: Run Your Race

September 26: A Clear Conscience

September 27: Free from Condemnation

September 28: Determination

September 29: Take Courage

September 30: Peace and Confidence

October 1: Encourage One Another

October 2: The Encourager

October 3: Encourage Yourself

October 4: Change the Culture

October 5: Take a Stand

October 6: We Are His Hands

October 7: Deny Yourself

October 8: Put Smiles on Faces

October 9: Running Over

October 10: Looking Forward

October 11: Be Glad

October 12: Smile

October 13: Bring Cheer

October 14: A Happy Heart

October 15: The Power of Words

October 16: Speak God’s Word 

October 17: A Turning Point

October 18: The Priority of Prayer

October 19: Free Access to God

October 20: Examine Yourself

October 21: Confidence in Prayer

October 22: Simple, Believing Prayer

October 23: Pray without Ceasing

October 24: Secret Prayer

October 25: Keys to Heaven

October 26: The Prayer of Agreement

October 27: The Prayer of Petition

October 28: The Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving

October 29: The Prayer of Intercession

October 30: The Prayer of Commitment

October 31: The Prayer of Consecration

November 1: Watch God Work

November 2: Joy and Peace

November 3: Contentment

November 4: More Than Conquerors

November 5: Your Potential

November 6: Develop Your Gift

November 7: Restoration Is a Process

November 8: Free from Legalism

November 9: Off the Treadmill

November 10: Trust God’s Grace

November 11: Manifest His Glory

November 12: God’s Promise 

October 17: A Turning Point

October 18: The Priority of Prayer

October 19: Free Access to God

October 20: Examine Yourself

October 21: Confidence in Prayer

October 22: Simple, Believing Prayer

October 23: Pray without Ceasing

October 24: Secret Prayer

October 25: Keys to Heaven

October 26: The Prayer of Agreement

October 27: The Prayer of Petition

October 28: The Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving

October 29: The Prayer of Intercession

October 30: The Prayer of Commitment

October 31: The Prayer of Consecration

November 1: Watch God Work

November 2: Joy and Peace

November 3: Contentment

November 4: More Than Conquerors

November 5: Your Potential

November 6: Develop Your Gift

November 7: Restoration Is a Process

November 8: Free from Legalism

November 9: Off the Treadmill

November 10: Trust God’s Grace

November 11: Manifest His Glory

November 12: God’s Promise 

November 13: From Strength to Strength

November 14: Quiet Inner Confidence

November 15: More Than Enough

November 16: Pit to Palace

November 17: Leave a Mark

November 18: A Blameless Heart

November 19: Run to Him

November 20: Real Freedom

November 21: The Trap of Pride

November 22: Develop Your Character

November 23: Anger

November 24: Is It Mistreatment?

November 25: The Real Enemy

November 26: Live in Harmony

November 27: Boundaries

November 28: Speak the Truth

November 29: Draw the Line

November 30: Satisfaction

December 1: Enjoy Life

December 2: Confront Injustice

December 3: Use Your Sword

December 4: Radical Blessings

December 5: Practice the Truth

December 6: Watch Your Step

December 7: The Secret Place

December 8: Give Thanks

December 9: Power for Living 

December 10: Love One Another

December 11: Free from Entanglements

December 12: In the Potter’s Hands

December 13: Godly Character

December 14: Personal Integrity

December 15: The Test of Character

December 16: Cooperation Required

December 17: Be Still

December 18: Hand to the Plow

December 19: In His Time

December 20: Be a Fighter

December 21: Victory over Frustrations

December 22: Covenant Rights

December 23: Different Is Good

December 24: Be Courageous

December 25: From the Inside Out

December 26: Be a Servant

December 27: Glorious Freedom

December 28: Celebrate Life

December 29: Celebrate the Positive

December 30: Unforgiveness

December 31: It Is a New Day

Discover More Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer Ministries U.S. & Foreign Office Addresses

About the Author

Other Books by Joyce Meyer 


For most of the world’s existence, women have not enjoyed proper respect,nor have they enjoyed their rightful place in society. Although much of that injustice has been corrected in recent time, there are still many cultures in the world where women are terribly mistreated. This is tragic.Women are a precious gift from God to the world. They are creative,sensitive, compassionate, intelligent, talented, and, according to the Bible,equal to men.

Due to years of abuse and a wrong worldview toward women, many of us have lost the confidence God wants us to enjoy. Many of us have been left with vague feelings that we are somehow “less” than men. Less valuable.

Less worthy. The end result is a society filled with insecure people, which causes great difficulty in personal relationships and is one of the reasons divorce is so prevalent today.

During my childhood, I endured many years of sexual abuse, which profoundly affected my confidence and the image I carried inside of myself.Inwardly I was very fearful, but outwardly I presented myself as a tough,bold person who couldn’t care less what others thought of her. I created a “pretend me” so no one could discover the “real me.” I was filled with shame and condemnation over something a man had done to me, and for many years I held a rather low opinion of men as a result.

Today, however, I believe I am a well-balanced woman. I have a wonderful husband and four grown children. I am the president and founder of a worldwide media ministry that is helping millions of people find salvation through Jesus Christ, as well as freedom and wholeness in their lives. My husband, children, and I all work together in the ministry......

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