The 150 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy



Chapter 1: What to Eat and Drink for High Energy

1. Eat Protein at Every Meal for All-Day Energy

2. Stop Ordering Egg White Omelets

3. Try Eating in the Zone

4. Eat Low Glycemic for Enduring Energy

5. Try Bee Pollen and Bee Propolis 3

6. Add More Fiber to Your Diet

7. Enjoy a Green Drink Every Day

8. Don’t Fear Fat!

9. Kick the Carbs, Kick-Start Your Energy

Increase Your Energy by Eliminating Sugar with These Eight Ways

10. Don’t Add Sugar or Salt to Your Food

11. Learn What Real Food Tastes Like

12. Experiment with Spices

13. Beware of Fat-Free Food

14. Be a Smart Label Reader

15. Use This Natural Crave-Buster

16. Learn about Lo Han

17. Try Xylitol

18. Switch to Tea of Any Color

19. Try Energy Snacks

20. Try Yerba MatΓ© Tea for a Caffeine Jolt without the Jitters 

21. Eat Nuts for Energy and for Your Heart

22. Reboot Your Brain with Breakfast

23. Eat Some Hot Peppers!

24. Prescription for Fatigue: Drink Water. Repeat

25. Step Away from the Diet Soda

26. For Surprising Energy Benefits, Stay Hungry

27. Identify the Food Sensitivities That Slow You Down

28. For More Energy, Eat Right for Your Type

29. Choose the Right Energy Drink (or None at All)

30. Snack on Seeds to Sustain Stamina

31. Choose Oatmeal, Quinoa, and Amaranth for Energy!

32. Drink Purple Juices for More Pep

33. Try Accelerade to Reclaim Your Energy After a


34. Drink Your Java for a Jolt

35. Grab a Can of Energy

36. Eat Beans and Lentils to Get Through the Day

37. Try Superfood Maca

Chapter 2: Get the Right Sleep to Refuel

38. Go to Sleep an Hour Earlier

39. Race Through the Day by Taking Melatonin at Night

40. Take a Nap

For Better Daytime Energy, Try These Thirteen Insomnia Aids

41. Exercise Early and Often

42. Clear Your Mind

43. Have a Snack

44. Skip the Nightcap

45. Put a Nighttime Ban on Cigarettes

46. Kick the Caffeine

47. Set Your Internal Clock 

48. Don’t Flush

49. Prepare to Sleep

50. Change Your Environment

51. Turn It Off

52. Get Up

53. Get the LED Out

54. Replace Your Alarm Clock with a Dawn Simulator

55. Try This Little-Known B Vitamin for Refueling Sleep

56. Fly Free of Jet Lag

57. Buy a New Mattress

Chapter 3: Exercise Your Way to More Energy

58. Activate Your Brain’s Miracle-Gro

59. Practice the Power of Positive Exercise

60. Start Your Day with the Sun Salutation

61. Work Smarter, Not Harder with Interval Training

62. PACE Yourself

63. Energize and Exercise with the Time-Saving X-iser

64. Do the Tabata Protocol

Try One of These 10-minute Energy Boosting Workouts

65. The Low-Intensity (at Home, No Equipment Required)

66. The High-Intensity (at Home, No Equipment Required)

67. The Moderate-Intensity Cardio Workout (Outdoors or

on a Treadmill)

68. The Moderate Intensity Weight Training Workout


69. Practice the “No-Frills-No-Excuses-AnytimeAnywhere” Workout

70. Go Through Basic Training

71. Exercise En Masse

Chapter 4: Take These Supplements to Supercharge your Energy 

72. Take Coenzyme Q10, the Ubiquitous Energizer

73. Catch a Ride on the Energy Shuttle Bus with Carnitine

74. Burn Calories and Get an Energy Edge with EGCG 129

75. Take Off With a Little Biological Rocket Fuel

76. Take the Fatigue Fighter, D-Ribose

77. Feed Your Brain for Energy

78. Take a B-Complex Vitamin

79. Zap Energy-Draining Organisms with Probiotics

Adapt to Energy with These Three Supplements

80. Ashwaganda, the Antistress Agent

81. Panax Ginseng for Cognitive Performance


82. Rhodiola for Fighting Depression and Fatigue

Chapter 5: Detox from Energy Sappers

83. Eliminate Fatigue with Dr. Haas’s Detox Program

84. Try the Master Cleanse

85. Energize by Brushing and Bathing Away Toxins

86. Banish Toxins and Boost Energy with an Infrared Sauna

87. Clean Up Your Air

88. Engage in Biological Warfare and Detox Your Home

89. Clean Green and Breathe Easier

90. Fight Fatigue by Giving Your Liver Milk Thistle

Chapter 6: How to Combat Stress, the Ultimate Energy Drainer

91. Breathe the Right Way for Better Energy

92. Practice Qi gong

93. Invigorate with Aromatherapy

94. Open the Door and Go Green!

95. Listen to the Music

96. Practice Yoga for Yourself, Your Energy, and Your Life

97. Try EFT for Emotional Energy 

98. Get a Massage

99. Dance to the Music

100. Disconnect for a Day

101. Relax and Recharge

Chapter 7: Get a Health Check for Peak Efficiency

102. Revive Your Qi with Acupuncture

103. Go to a Chiropractor and Adjust to New Energy

104. Do a Posture Check

105. Check Your Thyroid—Seriously!

106. Harness the Energy Power of Testosterone

107. Balance Your Estrogen Levels

108. Have Your Map Read

Chapter 8: Soak up Energy in the Sun

109. Get 10 Minutes of Sun Every Day

110. Try Light Therapy

111. Take Vitamin D for Peak Performance

Beat SAD with These Six Tips

112. Take Vitamin D

113. Get Outside

114. Let the Light Shine In

115. Get Moving

116. Head for the Sun

117. Make Connections

Chapter 9: Focus Your Energy by Organizing Your Life

118. Eat That Frog!

119. Clear Your Desktop

120. De-Clutter and Deep-Six the Energy Drain

121. Go Ergo

122. Mono-Task to Accomplish More 

123. Tame the Email Beast

Chapter 10: Make Personal Changes for Inner Energy

124. Lose the Energy Vampires

125. Have a Powerful Conversation

126. Make a Promise

127. Tell the Truth

128. Ask Yourself These Four Questions

129. Acknowledge Someone Daily

130. Practice Forgiveness

131. Volunteer Your Services

132. Exercise With Your Mate

133. Show Your Creative Colors

134. Shift Your Attention

135. Flow with Feng Shui

136. Change Your Frequency

137. Take a Cold Shower

138. Make a Gratitude List

139. Make Peace with Your Gremlins

140. Dress Up!

141. Make a Color Shift

142. Free Your Energy by Riding the Horse in the Direction

It’s Going

143. Perform a Random Act of Kindness

144. Have More Sex

145. Get a Coach

146. Change a Habit

147. Make a List of Goals

148. Practice Mindfulness

149. Stay Connected

150. Compose Your Own Last Lecture 


“I’m tired all the time.” 

“I can’t seem to get going.”

Do these refrains sound familiar? They sure do to me. It seems hardly a day goes by when I don’t hear from people asking about the best food they can eat for energy, the best supplements they can take for energy, and the best exercise they can do for energy. People all over are genuinely searching for anything to improve their rapidly diminishing stores of energy.

We all want that get-up-and-go we remember having—or seem to remember having—at one time in our lives. That motivation. That drive. That mental alertness and aliveness. That sense of excitement and power and optimism.

Where did it go? How did we lose it? And more important, how do we get it back?

In more ways than one we’re in an energy crisis in this country. We’re burned out, fatigued, overstressed, not sleeping, overstimulated, and just plain tired. And I’m talking about otherwise healthy people, or at least people who don’t have any real pressing medical conditions. I’m talking soccer moms,NASCAR dads, executives of both sexes. I’m talking teenagers falling asleep at their desks. I’m talking average folks nodding off in front of the 6:00 p.m. news because they don’t have the energy to stay awake. Not only are we tired,but we’re also tired of being tired!

If energy is a concern to you—and I suspect you wouldn’t have picked up this book if you didn’t want more of it—you’ve come to the right place. This book is about energy. About that feeling of being alive, being awake, ready to take on the world.

Throughout these pages, you’ll find strategies to promote optimal energy and particulars on how to fuel your body, nourish your mind, and power your spirit. I’ll help you recognize the situations, relationships, thoughts, and habits that deplete your energy. I’ll also help you incorporate the energizing power of the sun, and discover how to use simple organizational tips to free up energy that gets wasted and depleted when you’re multitasking. And I’ll help you remove (or at least reduce) one of the biggest energy depleters on the planet: stress.

Once you let go of the negative blocks, you’ll be open to accept positive energy.......... 



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